
NMRSIM: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Simulation and Plotting Progiram, Version: August 1974

Author: James S. Evans, Lawrence University, Appleton, WI

Operating System: RSTS V4A-12, 05-21, O5B-24

Source Language: BASIC-PLUS, Memory Required: 8K user area

Abstract: Especially designed for a timesharing environment, NMRSIM simulates nmr spectra using hypothesized values of coupling constants, chen-deal shifts, rf power, and relaxation times. Fifteen operational modules in three source program segments interact dynamically, requesting parameters in a natural order, computing and plotting spectra for up to six spin-1/2 nuclei or fewer with larger spins, permitting revisions of parameters with minimal repetition, and protecting against erroneous keyboard entries. Line spectrum files can be computed at any tern-dnal and stored on disk for later plotting with the program. The plotting subroutines, which give full control over scaling of the plot with only four input numbers, support the Tektronix 4010 graphics terminal, the TSP-12 or TSP-212 plotting systems, and the Hewlett-Packard 7200A/7202A graphic plotters.

Note: DECUS NO. 10-221 is a similar program in FORTRAN.

Media Price Codes: D3, H30, M50

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Tim Shoppa [email protected]
Last Modified: 11-Feb-2000