To send a message to an other account: ACCOUNT TO SEND TO? Answer with the account that will receive the message in the form X,Y TYPE YOUR MESSAGE (END WITH CONTROL Z) The message should be typed from the terminal following this prompt SEND, LIST, DELETE, RESTART? SEND- Use this option to send the message that was just typed It will not be sent unless this command is given. LIST- Use this option to list the message that was typed in the form it will be received. DELETE- This will kill the message just typed and end the program RESTART- This option will kill the message just typed and start the program over. To verify whether a message has been picked up: ACCOUNT TO SEND TO? Answer VERIFY to this question. TO WHICH ACCOUNT WAS THIS MESSAGE SENT Answer this question with the same form that was used to send the message. Sample dialog RUN $MESSAG MESSAG VO2-2A 02:28 PM 06-Jul-76 ACCOUNT TO SEND TO? 200,32 TYPE YOUR MESSAGE (END WITH CONTROL Z) This is a test message to demonstrate the use of the Message program. ^Z SEND, LIST, DELETE, OR RESTART? LIST FROM ACCOUNT ( 200 , 38 ) ON 06-Jul-76 AT 02:29 PM This is a test message to demonstrate the use of the Message program. SEND, LIST, DELETE, OR RESTART? SEND Ready RUN $MESSAG MESSAG VO2-2A 02:29 PM 06-Jul-76 ACCOUNT TO SEND TO? VERIFY TO WHICH ACCOUNT WAS THE MESSAGE SENT TO? 200,32 ACCOUNT (200,32) HAS A MESSAGE WAITING FROM THIS ACCOUNT Ready