LEADS DATA BASE SOFTWARE DISTRIBUTION #1 01-JUN-1978 THIS IS THE FIRST RELEASE OF THE PROJECT LEADS DATA BASE SOFTWARE AND THUS REPRESENTS THE STATE OF THE PROJECT WHEN FUNDING WAS TERMINATED. POTENTIAL USERS ARE REMINDED THAT AT THE PRESENT TIME, THERE IS NO FORMAL SUPPORT FOR THIS SOFTWARE. THE SOFTWARE IS IN DAILY USE IN SEVERAL SCHOOL SYSTEMS, BUT EACH USE IS "ON HIS OWN" WHEN A PROBLEM OCCURS. BECAUSE AT LEAST ONE MAINTENANCE/ENHANCEMENT RELEASE IS PLANNED FOR THE NOT YET SPECIFIC FUTURE, YOUR COMMENTS, PROBLEMS AND QUESTIONS ARE ENCOURAGED EVEN THOUGH WE CAN NOT GUARANTEE AN ANSWER OF ANY TYPE. PLEASE SEND ANY SUCH QUERIES TO: COMPUTER SERVICES; LEXINGTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS; 251 WALTHAM STREET; LEXINGTON, MASS. 02173. DOCUMENTATION IS CURRENTLY IN FOUR MAJOR MANUALS. THE "LEADS OVERVIEW" IN HARD COPY FORM SHOULD ACCOMPANY THIS DISTRIBUTION PACK. (NOTE: THE "HISTORY FILES" DESCRIBED IN THE OVERVIEW HAVE NOT BEEN IMPLEMENTED.) THE OTHER THREE MANUALS ARE IN ACCOUNT 200,14 OF THIS PACK. THESE SHOULD BE LISTED ON 80 COLUMN PAPER, PREFERABLY WITH LOWER CASE OUTPUT. THE "DATA BASE MANAGER'S MANUAL" SHOULD BE READ BEFORE!!! ATTEMPTING TO INSTALL A LEADS DATA BASE. GOOD LUCK!! To install the Project LEADS Software on your RSTS/E system, you must COMPLETE the following steps: 1) Create two directories; they will contain the executable programs (.BAC) and the required source files for certain operations (.BAS, .LTX, .VCA, etc.). 2) Install system-wide logical names for these directories using the UTILTY system program. These names are as follows: LEADS: contains the executable object code PUB: is the system library account ($). LEADS0: is the source-file directory. It is suggested that the START.CTL and CRASH.CTL command files be changed to install these LOGICAL NAMES at system start-up time. At this time, you may also wish to add lines TO THE START.CTL FILE WHICH WILL log in an extra priveleged job TO run the program PUB:LOGGER. This will allow for the logging operations described in the LEADS data base managers' manual. If this is not done, there is no reason to install the supplied UMOUNT. 3) For each file in account [1,2] on THE DISTRIBUTION disk, TYPE THE following sequence of commands: OLD COMPILE PUB:<104> The following programs must then be re-protected with a <232> protection code: PUB:LOGIN.BAC PUB:LOGOUT.BAC PUB:UMOUNT.BAC 4) For each file in account [1,4] on this disk, type the following sequence of commands: OLD COMPILE LEADS:<104> The following program must be re-protected <232>: LEADS:WRITE4.BAC 5) USE PIP TO COPY THE CONTENTS OF THE [1,5] ACCOUNT INTO LEADS0: WITH PROTECTION CODE 56. PIP LEADS0:*.*<56>=DEV:*.*[1,5] 6) Create a file named DATAB.LTX in the PUB: account, with the following lines in it: PUB:BEGIN.BAC [account number],LEADS:OPTION.BAC [account number],LEADS:OPTION.BAC . . . This file contains the list of LEADS accounts on your system. The first line contains the name of the program used to create a LEADS data base. If you wish to control this function further, change the file name here. LOGIN will chain to line 32000 OF THE PROGRAM SPECIFIED (WHICH SHOULD BE "BEGIN"). CONSULT THE "LEADS DATA BASE MANAGER'S MANUAL" FOR FURTHER INFORMATION ON THE "DATAB.LTX" FILE. 7) USE PIP TO COPY OPTION.LTX FROM THE LEADS0: ACCOUNT INTO THE # ACCOUNT OF EACH LEADS DATA BASE ACCOUNT ON YOUR SYSTEM. FOR EXAMPLE: PIP *.*[ ACCOUNT NUMBER , 0 ]<40>=LEADS0:OPTION.LTX